Saturday, December 4, 2010


What can I say other than WOW, what a day! We've seen sooooo much today that to tell of all the amazement would take days.

So, just a snapshot. Dave and I sniffed out some food markets in Piazza de Peruzzi whilst in that direction checking out the leather shops.

From there we went to Palazzo Vecchio, Galleria degli Uffizi and Piazza della Signoria. The doodle part? Seen so many male bits and pieces today but as they say, "seen one, seen em all." (lol)

David and his hunkness:

Entertainers lined the streets. These guys were so still you'd have thought them actual statues.

We took the kids out after lunch, much to their disapproval, and got a carricture drawing done of them for 20 euros.

It got really, really cold so we took the kids home who, after looking around a bit, had had enough. Dave and I rugged up and went to the Museo di Palazzo Vecchio. One cannot comprehend how these artistic creations came about.

More photos here.

1 comment:

  1. Ha Ha, Shelley you even have close ups of the doodles!!! lol Amazing pics, gorgeous place!
