Tuesday, January 18, 2011


With the weather still shitty it's been a slow couple of days. We found a ridgy didge dvd shop and bought the kids 10 movies for $7 so they've been pretty much cooped up watching movies. Meanwhile Dave, Jason and I have been massaged and done a couple of bike rides into town in between showers.

Orchid Garden got a special visit yesterday from the spirit of an old ancestor. This is the story behind these snakes which are supposed to bring luck.

We've ditched Mr Long (Red Dragon Restaurant) lately and dined at Son Restaurant last night which is over the river. Their motto, "slow food for slow life."

On the way home we stopped in at a new gourmet fine foods cafe (Dingo Deli) and found the owners were ex-Aussies and came here on their way to Thailand, loved the place so much decided to stay. The easiest way to do this was to open a restaurant and eight months later they're now living their dream. Jayden was very excited when he spotted an Aussie icon so we're off there for lunch a bit later on. I'm sure there'll be photos to follow.

Dave and Jason rode into town to check out the full moon festival where the street was only lit by lanterns. In search of the drum beating they got to see a martial arts display.

It's parcel post time again today before getting out of here a day earlier than planned tomorrow, in search of warmer weather once again. Ho Chi Minh is forecast for at least 30 degrees. It bloody better be ;)

Few more photos here.

1 comment:

  1. Shelley, I love the photo of you with the kids. You're wearing a big overcoat and Sofie's in shorts and a T. WTF?????

    :-) XX Magda
