Monday, October 11, 2010


Home Sweet Home - Le Moulin, Uzes.

It was raining this morning so after a late start to the day we made our way to the supermarket for a 256 euro shop (approx $450).

Not long after we got home, and had a late lunch of baguettes, Dave and I met with Anne-Marie who is to be our French tutor. I'll be having three lessons per week whilst Dave is having two. We're letting the kids settle in for a week or two before we decide if they'll have lessons too (they're not keen as yet).

Dave couldn't wait to sit on our balcony with his book, wine and meaty thing (we don't know what it was).

Our first family dinner at home in Uzes.

1 comment:

  1. Pleased to see you are sampling the wines!!!! TP
