Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Since last we posted, not a lot has happened, other than Jayden taking Dave adventuring again.

We picked up some bargains at the Mickleton car boot sale on Sunday including for me four books for two pound fifty pence (under $5) and the kids picked up some more dvd's including the entire Harry Potter series, Scooby-Doo and The Cat in the Hat. Needless to say the children have been watching far too much tv so today has been an enforced tv free day, except for The Simpson's. Of course, the no tv was my rule, the exception being Dave's! Sunday night Dave was most impressed with his culinary skills in baking a rabbit. This adventure for him is also including eating all sorts of weird and wonderful delights.

Today, we headed to Clearwell Caves which was an amazing underground experience in an ancient iron ore mine. There were nine impressive caverns to explore. See photos here.

From here we had lunch at a turkish cafe before heading onto The aMazing Hedge Puzzle. It was a race to see who could get to the centre first with Jayden being the winner. Photos here.

After weaving their way through the maze Dave and the kids played a round of miniature golf whilst I had a quick snooze in the car in the drizzling rain. Photos here.

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys! Your whole trip is looking amazing, and it's only just started! Definately jealous. Hope you're all having amazing fun.
    Love Jess xxx
