Friday, September 24, 2010


We spent the day packing up our little cottage. Amazing how much "stuff" one accumulates in five weeks. Another 6.5 kg parcel boxed up and sent home, this time costing 89.95 pounds. We were sure to include in the box some "clotted cream fudge" and "oaty flapjacks" with expiry dates after our estimated arrival home. It'll be like Christmas all over again opening up our boxes.

In the morning we'll head to Birmingham airport, drop off the car and wait to board. Then, arriving into Dublin we'll grab a taxi and go to our hotel where we'll stay for the first couple of days.

Will write when we can. Until then "au revoir." Yes, started practicing our French again.
Oh, and sadly Charles' health seems to be deteriorating rapidly. We're not sure he make it through the next couple of days :(

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dave and Shelley

    I am in London at the moment...and heading over to ireland to go on a road trip with a friend of mine, we arrive in Dublin next sunday 3rd october and will spend a week and a half driving around. Anyway thought I would send you a quick message to see if you will still be over there then and if our paths may cross? my email is Mel Chad
