Saturday, September 11, 2010


Yesterday (Friday) we took on Alton Towers AND survived. Alton Towers is UK's largest theme park and the adrenalin junkie (Sofie) was out in full swing dragging Mummy dearest along with her on all of the rides. We had an absolute ball laughing and screaming all the way. The only condition was that Sofie was not allowed to bale on me at the last minute and leave me to go it alone. We pinky promised on this one. Oh, and I wasn't going on any rides where I would get wet and end up freezing for the day. It was touch and go with the "Oblivion" as to whether we'd actually ride with 1) the rain, and 2) the fear, but we did it and it ROCKED! See video here.

Jayden had a go on his very first roller coaster, only with Dave not telling him what it actually was. But as you can see he loved it.

"Nemesis" was our favourite ride. According to Sofie it was pretty awesome. See video here.

Lastly, no-one listened to me when I said, "if you get wet, you'll be freezing." The video shows it all. Click here.

For all of the photos click here.


  1. Hi there, Good to see Sof you finally got the old chicken to go on some rides, cousins are getting upset with you going to so many theme parks without them. Love us

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So fantastic seeing a family having a ball together.... Essie

  4. Looks like you're having a great time Shelley!! xxxx

  5. Awesome Shelley !!!! You are really enjoying yourselves...What fantastic family memories you are creating... Love to All Velinda xoxox
