Saturday, November 27, 2010


As well as Jayden blitzen the toboggan runs:

And Sofie skiing:

Today we rode the Feeblitz. One of the beauties about coming just out of season is that there are no lines for things so we were able to ride one after the other constantly until our 2 tickets of 10 turns each ran out.

Each run was timed with Sofie getting the second fastest of 35.8 km/hr.

And the winner was........Shelley and Jayden with 39.2 km/hr. Woo hoo!

The second run down Sofie and I rode together to take a movie. See it here.

And more photos here.

Arriving home it was time for the spa, sauna and steam room. I'm in the sauna and in come another couple wrapped in towels. They drop the towels and are completely starkers and it was ALL hanging out! Apparently, that's the Swiss way. I felt out of place in my kini ;)

Back to Uzes tomorrow :( and :)

PS Our record temperature so far, last night minus 23 degrees celcius, in the village.

PSS Dave's had a dry week since Monday. Wonder why?


  1. Jack wants to know if the ride was FAST????? He said it looked slow and boring on the video. I think it would have been COOL...

  2. LOL!! Are you feeling the cold Shelley?? haha too funny! I would be the same though - it just looks funny :)

  3. Can't believe how freezin it is over there... ha ha bout the nudy couple. I couldn't even think of being naked/let alone in a kini at that temp.
